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The highest honor I have ever known is representing the people of Pope County in the Arkansas Legislature.

It has been my privilege to serve in the most consequential legislative sessions of this century.

We took steps to cut crime, revamping the parole system, requiring violent felons to serve their full sentence, toughening penalties, strengthening the hand of our law enforcement community, and we are expanding prison capacity to keep drug dealers and violent offenders off our streets.

We cut taxes. The business tax, to make it easier for small businesses and job creators to do what they do best-create good jobs that pay good wages. We cut the income tax on individuals, putting more money in the pockets of Arkansans.

We had other victories. Vocational School Scholarships. Exempting Disabled Veterans from the sales tax. A Resolution Commemorating our Second Amendment Rights. Mental Health Awareness Week. The Newborn Safe Haven Act. Preserving the Freedom of Information Act.

I love this job. I want to continue. I am running for reelection. With your help, we will continue the fight to make Arkansas a better place to live, work and raise a family.


Matt Duffield

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© 2024 Matt Duffield.

Paid for by Matt Duffield for State Representative